Parts of HVAC system

Mar 6, 2021 | Infinity Air HVAC System

Our experts in Infinity Air suggest that you perform regular maintenance of your Heating and Air Conditioning HVAC system. This can help you reduce the cost of repairs and parts replacements and other HVAC service costs. Especially that the replacement cost of some of the system main parts can be significant.

But to understand the need for regular maintenance of your HVAC system, you need first to understand its main components.


What Are The Main HVAC System Components?


These systems have many moving parts.

In order to understand their mechanism of action, it is necessary to know each of them.

So, here we are going to talk about the main components of HVAC System:



It is the most visible part of HVAC system, but you need to make sure to install it on reachable walls.

The Thermostat has temperature sensor used to turn your heater and air conditioner on and off.

When the temperature becomes uncomfortable (too low or too high), the thermostat stimulates the HVAC system to circulate the air as needed.

And you can use manually adjustable or programable thermostat to maintain a suitable temperature for your home.




The furnace is an important part of an HVAC system, and it can be huge, hence requiring more space than other parts.

This part heats the air distributed throughout your home or space through piping or ductwork.

It uses various sources of heating such as solar energy, electric resistance, heat pumps, and combustion.

For furnace to work efficiently, regular inspection and cleaning is important.


Evaporator Coil


When the temperature is set to a low temperature, the evaporator coils cool the air.

Then the cold air is distributed throughout your home.

You need to make sure to perform regular maintenance to the evaporator coils to prevent malfunction.

Otherwise it will start to breed mold and eventually cause damage to your HVAC system.


Condensing Unit

Usually, you see this part installed outside your home.

It converts the refrigerant gas into a liquid by lowering its temperature, then pumping it again to the evaporator coil and converting it to gas.

The fan blows air over the compressor to disperse the heat and cool the refrigerant faster.

Since this part is located outdoor, you should frequently ensure its clean from leaves, dirt, or other debris.

Also we suggest you leave few feet of space on its sides to have better airflow.



These outlets distribute hot or cold air from ducts throughout your home, and their design has corner slats to send the air downward.

It is important to ensure that nothing is blocking these ports.

Also equipping the vents with air filters can help preventing dust from entering the rooms.


Refrigerant Lines

These tubes carry the refrigerant in the form of gas to the condenser, where it is converted into a liquid and transferred through the pips to the evaporator coil.

A leak in the refrigerant line can lead into ice on the evaporator coil, and affect the efficiency of heat transfer process.

It can also eventually cause damage to your HVAC system and make its repair expensive, this is why we advise regular maintenance.


HVAC Service near me:

When you are looking for a professional HVAC Service, Infinity Air HVAC is the answer. We offer some of the most advanced HVAC parts and accessories available. We are a licensed HVAC Contractors. Our mission and values are to make you feel you are in safe hands. Contact us to get a fee estimate.