Furnace Maintenance
Westminster, Fullerton, Huntington Beach & Orange County CA
Get your heater repair done right the first time!
When your heater requires repairs, furnace repairs, other heating system repairs, or more, Infinity Air is a qualified, certified heating repair company in Orange County and surrounding areas. Once in its lifetime, a furnace needs to be repaired or replaced. Whether your furnace needs a minor repair, is outdated and needs replacing, or needs continuous maintenance, Infinity Air has the answer to your question. Call us today for a consultation!
Furnace maintenance in Westiminster, Fullerton, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Seal Beach, Newport Beach & Orange County VA
Nowadays, most of the systems are very well designed, but without proper maintenance, HVAC systems will not work efficiently. It means that if the coil is unclean, the compressor will run harder than necessary. When an essential part of your air-conditioner moves under that much tension, it eventually fails. An adequately maintained heating system could heat your home more efficiently. A system that is taken care of more than once a year prevents future failures.
How do I know when it’s time to replace my furnace?
During your annual furnace maintenance and repair appointment, your local Infinity Air technicians will help you measure your furnace performance and guide you through your choices as to whether it is to be repaired or replace your furnace with a new one.
If your heating system is ten to fifteen years old and its repair seems costly, it is better to replace your system instead of investing more money in it. Your local Infinity Air can estimate the energy savings you will get with a new stove as the upfront costs will partially be amortized over time.

What are the advantages of annual heater maintenance?
Regular maintenance of furnace provides many benefits, such as:
- Furnace life: A well-maintained furnace can operate correctly over a decade so that you can get the most from your investment.
- Risk of un-expected downtime: Regular maintenance of heater can identify and fix minor problems before they become more dangerous. That means fewer system failures, fewer heating repairs and minimal chances of running out of heat in the cold season.
- Save money: Heater maintenance keeps your system running efficiently. That causes monthly energy costs. For a long time, these kinds of savings can compensate for the regular maintenance cost.
Warranty maintenance: Many furnace warranties contain some conditions that demand regular repair and maintenance. If this is the case for you, routine adjustments are crucial to keep the warranty valid and ensure that something doesn’t go wrong during the warranty duration.